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integrated computational thinking

Algorithms 2: Algorithms Unplugged

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Step 4 of 7: Oh, One More Thing!

So you write your algorithm and show it to the interdimensional visitor, but they look perplexed.

“What is this?” they ask.

“Rules for reading traffic lights, like a recipe with steps,” you say.

“No, a recipe looks like this.” They pull out their phone (strangely with service) and search for something then show you the graphic below. They explain this is a recipe to cook cup noodles.

Flowchart designed in

You look at other “recipes” on this website and realize another difference between your interdimensional worlds: their cookbooks are filled with flowcharts not written out as step-by-step lists.

A flowchart is a diagram that visually presents the sequence of steps (flow) through a process (procedure) by using connecting lines and a set of symbols. Since an algorithm is a sequence of steps, a flowchart can be used to draw an algorithm.