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integrated computational thinking

Algorithms 2: Algorithms Unplugged

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Step 5 of 7: Traffic flow and flowcharts
An incomplete flowchart and symbol guide

Consider the algorithm you created for traffic lights and convert the steps to a flowchart. Use the key on this step to become familiar with the symbol convention used when drafting flowcharts.

Below are a few simplified guidelines for drafting a flowchart and ANSI symbols adapted from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 5807 (

  1. Start: Begin a flowchart with a terminal symbol (oval) with the word Start.
  2. Arrows: Connect all symbols with flowlines (arrows).
  3. In & Out: Symbols can have one entry point on the top of the symbol and an exit point at the bottom.
  4. Exception: Decision symbols (diamonds) have two exit points, right and left sides OR one side and bottom.
  5. Readability: Try to keep flowcharts “flowing” from top to bottom and left to right.
  6. Breaks: Connector symbols connect breaks in a flowchart when going from one page to another or from the bottom of the page to the top.
  7. End: End a flowchart with a terminal symbol (oval) with the word End or a contentious loop.

Reference the examples below to draft the flowchart depicting the traffic light algorithm.

Flowchart designed in