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integrated computational thinking

Art Practice B1.2: Breaking down artistic processes and elements of individual pieces.(Activity)

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Step 4 of 6: Deconstructing Algorithms

Now that you have an understanding of how algorithms are used to create something, let’s try the same process backward. Take a look at the styrofoam cup art (styrogami) below, see if you can best estimate the step-by-step process (algorithm) the artist took to go from two styrofoam cups to what you see now. To achieve this, first focus on the specific details of the styrofoam cup art (styrogami) in order to better understand how it was constructed. This process of isolating small details is called abstraction.

a piece of styrofoam cup art with many sized circles
Photo Credit: jacktsculptures13


Using your best judgment, make a step-by-step list that this artist followed to create this sculpture from two styrofoam cups.