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integrated computational thinking

LA Pathway A: Analyze Text through Computational Methods (Overview)

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Step 2 of 5: Use algorithms to analyze text

A1 focuses on using algorithms to:

  • Identify and analyze sequential or repeating literary devices (eg, sound devices, parallel structure, plot, POV) in a text by using flowcharts, storyboards or other representational forms highlighting sequence.
  • Identify, analyze, and critique an author’s word choice by following an algorithm.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using an algorithmic approach to identify and analyze sequence and repetition in texts.

Practice in Action

An activity could entail having students generate a list of questions and rules to determine if the narrator is a character in the story. Students could then take the questions and rules to create point of view (POV) flowcharts to identify if the narrator is a character in a story. Finally, students could compare and contrast flowcharts and discuss why an author may have selected that particular point of view for the narrator.

Creating flowcharts can be reviewed in a prior introductory Building Block >