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integrated computational thinking

LA Pathway D: Critical analysis of computational texts and practices(Overview)

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Step 3 of 3: Assess author's intent, motive and impact of computational tools

D2 focuses on using critical analysis to:

  • Analyze computational tools or platforms as texts by posing questions.
  • Analyze how authors’ (e.g., creator, programmer) intent and motive shape the design of computational tools or platforms.
  • Analyze strengths and weaknesses of computational tools or platforms.

Practice in Action

A lesson progression could ask students to evaluate the selection algorithm used by popular streaming services to make recommendations by taking note of what types of media it recommends for them. Students can then compare and contrast the recommendations of each student in the class. A whole group of students can discuss bias, intent, and positionality (who wrote the code) of the computational platform (computational text) and come up with claims or questions. Students then search for publications, news articles or studies that dispute or confirm claims or answer questions. Finally, students can determine the potential positive and/or negative effects the streaming service's selection algorithm has on a user.