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integrated computational thinking

LA Practice B1: Enhance writing by using algorithmic logic (Activity)

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Step 1 of 10: Introduction

Writing and speaking conventions help make communication between individuals clear and understandable. You may remember writing conventions such as I before E except after C or capitalize the first letter after a period.

Whether you are making a sandwich or writing a computer program, everything created by humans has gone through a process to become a final product. Written and spoken language are no different! Whether you ask “To whom shall receive a slice of pizza?” or exclaim “Y’all want pizza!?”, you have gone through a process to select specific words and order them in a specific way.

You can call the step-by-step process of selecting each part of speech to make an intelligible sentence an algorithm. In this activity, you will create an algorithm to determine the correct verb to use in a given sentence.

A white mug that says “I before E unless you leisurely deceive eight overweight heirs to forfeit their sovereign conceits.”